Category: Business

“Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is that part of quality assurance {that} ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and as…


The most common reason that businesses fail is not through lack of profit but through lack of cash. Many failed businesses are highly profitable but run out of cash. Profitability…


This year we’ve all been impacted by COVID-19 in one way or the other – be it on our health, routines, or even our economic situation. The lockdown disrupted all…

Business Technology

One book, I regularly refer and read for my learning is “The Toyota Way Field Book” by J L Liker and David  Meier. There are few chapters in the book, which describe excellent processes with regard to people development, be it’s employees, leaders or suppliers and partners. A few learning from these chapters are describe below for the benefits of my readers.


For the benefit of my readers, I give below the findings of a recent study of Top Ten HR Practices that can help you achieve your organizational goals every year.…

Business Human Resource

Business Corporate Training