Training is essentially a process of learning, a process that brings about a change and self-development.
The word “Training” is conveyed generally by the meaning discipline, education and self development. Similarly, the word ‘’ Development” is conveyed by the sense of learning, acquiring and using or applying to work situation. Ancient Indian educationists thus thought of Training and Development as two sides of the same coin. That is, if a person is properly trained, he or she develops as an individual and also contributes to the organization to which he/she belongs.
Training is something like giving spectacles of requisite power to a man/woman so as to enable him/her to have better vision and perspective in taking the right action or decision so that the individual and organizational productivity and effectiveness increases.
Any progressive Company always believes in cultivating its people. It is with this belief that such a Company uses this valuable tool of “Training “to bring about a change in the mind and working of its employees.
Today, training is seen by many companies as a big investment as this is going to pay off in the long run in terms of quality, productivity and growth by adapting to the changing environment. And so, the effort must continue to achieve greater success through change. Change through the people. Better trained people!
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